Eduardo Tres

Full-Stack Web Developer



Web Developer

🖖 - Hey I am Eduardo, since my first computer I am passionate about technology. Since 2016 with WEB Development with programming of IPB forums that will be feverish at the time the 'forums' for communities just doing readjustment with HTML and CSS and pre-defined settings, but developing for WEB started now in early 2020, when I received an offer of WEB internship with LARAVEL PHP .

What i do?


Web System

It is a website hosted on the internet, where the user, being registered on the website, can access through an installed browser.


I perform maintenance and website development in Wordpress.

Landing page

It is a page that aims to generate conversions. Be it client, leads or opportunity.


Designates a page on the Internet that uses order management software, on which companies offer and sell their services or products.


04/2020 - 09/2020

PHP Full-Stack Web Developer Internship

Company name: Infrawall Soluções em TI

Development of web applications, using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, PHP, Laravel 5.4 até 6.0.

10/2020 - 12/2020

Junior Full-Stack PHP Web Developer

Company name: DevForBusiness

Development of a web application, utilizando HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, Ajax, jQuery, Laravel 8.

03/2020 - Currently

Junior Full-Stack PHP Web Developer

Company name: NeoProjSistemas

Development of a web application, utilizando HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, Ajax, jQuery, Laravel 8, Automated Testing, System Analyst.

Hey Eduardo, How are you?